Part three- anomaly design

From the technical standpoint. The anomalies are handled by two scripts.

The first one is a Anomaly Manager. When player moves to another iteration of the loop, it decides if the next one is gonna have a anomaly. Basically- there is 45%, that there is, but also- if you didn't get an anomaly in some time, the probability get's bigger. We wouldn't want the player to finish the game and have only one or two anomalies, right?

When we get a anomaly room, the manager decides which one is going to be there. It selects only from the ones, that haven't been solved yet. If there are no more anomalies, the list is reshuffled again, so it's possible to have a repeat an anomaly only if you solve every single one.

The second script is an Anomaly script. This one is extremely simple. It has two lists- one, of the things that should be activated when anomaly is active, an the other one, that should be deactivated. For example- if we get the anomalous version of a poster, it gets activated, and the normal one gets deactivated. 

Remember, when in the first part of this devlog, I wrote that this is the easiest genre? Well, it is! You randomly pick an anomaly, and then iterate on two lists! That's... well.. absolutely basic stuff!

So let's complicate things for us!

Basically- some of the rooms are gonna be subtle (like, did a person on that picture move a bit?), the other ones are not so subtle, and a bit jumpsacry (there is a ghost on the balcony!). Some of those will have extra animations (like a tv), some extra code (like a ghost that chases you), and some just change a single tiny thing in a room!

As a bonus- adding new ones to the game is super easy! My brother sends me an email with some graphical files and presto! Compare it to, adding an enemy to my previous game, where I needed to add new animations, parametrize new attacks, movement speed, and distance at which enemy likes to keep from the player...

I said it, and I'll say it again- this is the easiest genre! 

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